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Ask Tim Carter

November 16, 2003


Several years ago the folks who make Hershey's chocolate syrup introduced a new flavor - chocolate malt syrup. Ooo La La! I was in heaven. I love chocolate malts and this syrup made a wickedly good glass of chocolate malt flavored milk.

So I was reading the label and I saw an 800 number you could call for comments and suggestions. I decided I would call every day and tell a different story and try to disguise my voice. It was a foolish attempt to get them to continue to make the stuff. Ha Ha! As if their sales figures wouldn't dictate that business decision!

In all honesty the point of this post is to get all of us to call companies when we like something, not just when we are unhappy. Those testimonial calls can make the difference to a smaller company that does not have the marketing muscle of a giant publicly held corporation.

Keep in mind making multiple calls is probably a bad thing to do in this day and age of Caller ID. Gosh, I can just hear those operators now, "Hey Sally, that Carter guy is calling again. Everybody listen in and hear what he says this time!"

Posted by Tim Carter at November 16, 2003 2:48 PM

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