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Ask Tim Carter

June 7, 2004

Norwalk Inn and Conference Center

I am in Norwalk, CT tonight getting ready for a big business meeting tomorrow. My great assistant found a room for me on the Web at the Norwalk Inn and Conference Center. Talk about lucky!

This is not your ordinary cookie-cutter national chain hotel for business travelers. It is a family-owned and operated hotel that rocks. The Handrinos family operates it and when I checked in, Mr. Handrinos was bending over backwards to satisfy a guest at the front counter. He was running full speed at the problem, not making excuses.

Thirty minutes or so after checking in, I went down to the lobby to find a glass of ice with some fountain Coke or Pepsi. This wonderful young woman standing in the lobby knew I was looking for something - obviously I looked like a deer in headlights. She asked if she could help and I told her exactly what I wanted. Moments later I was drinking the most refreshing mixture of soda and cranberry juice I have ever had. Who was this woman? The night manager, Ms. Lisa Handrinos!

The Handrinos family is in the midst of a major renovation of their website. Please do not judge this wonderful business by what you see now. I can tell you it is an enormous pleasure to discover gems like this while traveling.

If you find yourself in the southwest corner of Connecticutt one day and need a place to stay, you better hope they have a vacancy. You will not believe how wonderful this Inn is until you come here and experience it for yourself.

Posted by Tim Carter at June 7, 2004 10:38 PM

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