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Ask Tim Carter

May 31, 2014

Maple Creamy or is it Creemee??

If you live in northern New England, then you may have passed an ice cream stand on a two-lane road one day that had a sign saying: "World's BEST Maple Creamy". Unless your a zombie, that should be enough to put your head on a swivel.

Just what is a maple creamy or creemee?

It's a mouth-watering frozen dairy treat that's been sweetened with maple syrup. It's base is usually vanilla, but you need to be careful not to put in too much vanilla as it can overpower the maple flavor.

I'm going on an adventure the summer of 2014 to locate as many ice cream stands as possible that feature this decadent treat that has been know to put several into sugar and food comas.

Watch for locations, photos and VIDEO of this amazing treat. It's so good, you'll find you'll consider driving two hours just to get one.

Posted by Tim Carter at May 31, 2014 11:04 AM

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